Tara Spinks

Head of Finance

Tara Spinks - Literary Agent

I have been full-time Head of Finance at L&R since 2023. My role spans a variety of aspects of the business, but the most important is making sure that clients are paid in a timely fashion.

I have been part of the team at Lutyens & Rubinstein since 2009, when I was hired to be the Sunday girl in the bookshop. I joined the literary agency part-time in 2017.

In my former life as a bookseller, I specialised in children’s books, and I still love kidlit, particularly anything a bit offbeat: Jon Klassen, Maggie Stiefvater and Robin Stevens are among my all-time favourite non-L&R authors. Otherwise, I’ll read anything that grips me - regardless of genre - from magical police procedural to queer time travel romance.